
When Life Hits Pause: How to Bounce Back and Keep Moving Forward

When Life Hits Pause: How to Bounce Back and Keep Moving Forward

Hi there! This week has been intense for me, and it taught me something crucial: life happens, and when it does, it’s okay if it interrupts your momentum. You can’t control every situation, but you can control how you respond. I’m going to dive into this a bit more today, but first…

Weekly Inventory Check

This week wasn’t my smoothest start, and I’m sure many of you might feel the same. Often, when things don’t start perfectly, we get caught up in the belief that it’s impossible to recover and maintain momentum. But I’m here to remind you: don’t let a hiccup define your month. Reflect on what went well, identify the areas that need attention, and get back on track. Rinse and repeat.

Life Happens

This week, life threw some unexpected challenges my way. I spent five straight days traveling all over The Netherlands. As someone who thrives on structure, the constant travel disrupted my routine – my planner showed far more crosses than ticks on my daily habits, and I’ll admit, it bothered me. I liked that I was atleast consistent during weekdays so i can give myself some room on the weekends but alas.

Here’s what I realized though: it’s okay to feel frustrated, it is okay to be bothered that the streak has broken, you have been derailed or whatever metaphor you want to use to describe your daily routine and relationship with your habits. What is crucial thought is not to let that frustration lead to self-sabotage. Whether it’s indulging in sugar (if you’re fasting like me) or deciding to sleep in and miss your morning routine, resist the urge to throw in the towel. Life isn’t about an all-or-nothing mentality. Sometimes, just walking when you wanted to run is still a victory.

Life will always happen – the key is to stay the course. Even if you’re not progressing, don’t actively regress. It’s about maintaining course, not momentum. So, as this weekend wraps up, remember: you’re still moving forward, even if it feels like you’re standing still.

Want More?

This article outlines practical steps for recovering from setbacks, focusing on resilience through managing small tasks, maintaining perspective, and fostering a growth mindset.

This resource emphasizes sticking to routines even in small ways, focusing on what can be controlled, and designing an environment conducive to success. It offers actionable advice for those feeling derailed by life’s disruptions

This guide highlights resilience strategies such as embracing failure, practicing gratitude, and valuing health, offering a holistic approach to bouncing back from adversity

Podcast of the Week

This week’s podcast features a lively conversation with William, where we explore two very different perspectives on the value of food in our lives. We may disagree, but through our conversation, we find some common ground. It’s a great back-and-forth, full of insights about how we experience food

Thoughts to Leave You With

Thank you for sticking with me through this week’s reflection. Life happens, and it’s okay if it disrupts your plans. Just remember to stay the course, because sometimes, consistency matters more than intensity. I’ll see you next week – keep pushing forward, no matter the pace.

 Discover how to stay on track even when life throws you off balance – it’s about progress, not perfection The Weekly Vasl


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