
Author name: Vasl

Treadmill of Self-Improvement

Hi there! It’s the last week of October, and it’s finally getting cold here in Eindhoven. The chilly weather seems to have come later than usual this year. Climate change is definitely real. I didn’t expect to experience such high temperatures this year. Today, let’s discuss the concept of the “hedonic treadmill” in self-improvement but […]

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Mastering Discipline

Hi there! I celebrated my first birthday with my daughter this week and it has been a wonderful experience. Today I want to talk about discipline and how it’s not always going to be perfect but first…. Weekly Inventory Check September is over, and now we are heading towards October. When a new month begins,

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The Mind-Body Connection

Hi there! We are in the last week of September and the rainy season is in full swing here! Today, I want to talk about physical self-care and its impact on our mental health while sharing my personal experience but first.. Weekly Inventory Check It’s the last week of September and the rainy season is

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Achievements in Society

Hi there! Today, I want to talk about the concept of achievements in society and how it’s linked to the rise of narcissism but first.. Weekly Inventory Check We’re in the third week of September, and autumn is approaching in the Netherlands. Are you making progress on the goals you set for this month, or

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The Yardstick of Comparison

Hi there! Today, I want to write about the common habit of comparing ourselves to others and why it’s often more productive to use ourselves as our own yardstick. But first… Weekly Inventory Check We’re well into September, the 9th month of the year, which means it’s a good time to reflect on our yearly

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Dirty Hands Problem

Hi there! September is on us and it’s a special one for me as it is my birthday month. And this year I am even more excited because I will get to celebrate it with my daughter. Although, we won’t be able to dine out or do anything fancy but it’s simple moments spent together

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Altruistic Motivation

Hi there! It’s August and things have been busy for me as I return to work after a break. I’ve been feeling a mix of emotions, guilty to restart work but also excited because sometimes you need that mental stimulus besides being engaged with the baby chores – which brings me to the topic. Today,

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Hi there! August is in full swing and the weather here in the Netherlands is getting much warmer compared to July, which was cooler. I am not aware how climate change works but this sure, is something interesting.I’m officially going back to work now, after a really nice month off at home, enjoying time with

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Parenting and Ambitions

Hi there! August has started and things are getting cool here in Netherlands so let see what this month has in store for us. Today, I want to talk about the concept of Parenting and Ambitions but first… Weekly inventory check As we draw the curtain on another month, it’s time for a formal review

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Embracing Parenthood

As we enter the final week of July, I find myself reflecting on the natural progression of life and the adjustments I’m making to embrace this significant new change: welcoming a baby into my life. And that’s exactly what I want to discuss today but first.. Weekly inventory check As we conclude yet another month,

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Time Management

July is nearly over, and with its conclusion comes the end of the month in which my daughter was born. I couldn’t be more thrilled despite the sleepless nights; it’s all been worth it. Now, as we move on to discussing time management, especially as a parent, I find it crucial to understand these aspects

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This weekend, my precious little one entered the world and joined our family. I am filled with immense joy as I embark on this journey of fatherhood. Today, I would like to address a prevalent issue in our society—the absence of nuance—and discuss ways in which we can work towards its improvement. However, before delving

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Facts and Opinions

Hello, there. I hope your July has started well. I am waiting patiently for my little one to arrive – our due date is just around the corner, so I am really excited. Today I want to summarise the discussion that we had in our first ever podcast that was on facts and opinions –

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Cultural Empathy

June has officially ended and summer is in full swing. Today, I want to talk about cultural empathy and how we need to be aware of the concept while living in a multicultural environment. But before we do that, let’s delve into the weekly inventory check. Weekly Inventory Check: Another month has ended and that

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Biases and Lens

Officially this is the last month before my parenthood begins and I am nervous and excited at the same time. Moving on to today’s topic, I want to discuss the concept of bias and your own lens in life Weekly Inventory Check: We’re about halfway through June, and in the summer, people often don’t feel

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Digital Minimalism

Weekly Inventory Check: The Month has ended, you know what that means. Review, Recuperate, and Renew. Check what was done, what wasn’t done and why. And start planning for the new one. Digital Minimalism Recently, I have been too hooked to my phone, and technology in general. As unbelievable as it sounds, I used to

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Hi there! We have reached the middle of May, and there are only 9 weeks left until my life changes for the better (I cannot wait). I hope you also have something to look forward to this summer. Everything in life comes with trade-offs, such as me having a baby and sacrificing my sleep, but

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Foundations of Learning

Hi there! May has arrived and with it, the sun is shining in Eindhoven. However, the weather is in-between; it’s too chilly for t-shirts, but too warm for jackets. I’m looking forward to warmer weather, so I don’t have to carry a jacket in my arms. Before we dive into our topic for today lets

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